Palazzo Sovrana in the cinema of Francis Ford Coppola
Several sequences of the film The Godfather Part III for the final scene at the Teatro Massimo were filmed from the terraces of Palazzo Sovrana.
Palazzo Sovrana was part of the film set of The Godfather Part III by Francis Ford Coppola. In fact, part of the filming of the final sequences of the scenes at the Teatro Massimo was taken from the terraces of the Palace. During the filming, the Palace saw director, actors, machinists and a swarm of all the staff, also for the purchase of shoes of fine Italian manufacture.

The final scene of Il Padrino - Parte III was shot in the Teatro Massimo in Piazza Verdi, which at the time was closed for restoration work. This is one of the most powerful moments of the entire Francis Ford Coppola live trilogy. A milestone that stands on the shoulders of Al Pacino, engaged in one of the most important scenes of his career: a shooting in the centre of Palermo. Right on the Teatro Massimo stairs. Someone shoots, Michael Corleone opens his eyes and, in front of him, his daughter Mary (played by a very young Sofia Coppola) falls into his arms. Killed under the blows of the assassin sent by the mafioso Don Altobello. The saga reaches the apex of the tragedy, assigning Michael Corleone to live a hell on Earth for the rest of his days.
Palazzo Sovrana was filmed in various scenes of the film, but above all the terraces were the protagonists of the film shoot for the panoramic views from above. A stay at Palazzo Sovrana is also about discovering an exclusive behind the scenes of a cinematic masterpiece nominated for 7 Academy Awards.

It was the winter of 1989 and the Teatro Massimo, one of the jewels of the city of Palermo, had been closed for more than twelve years. It was Francis Ford Coppola who reopened it, bringing the big cinema into the city. The facade of the theatre was cleaned up for the occasion and brought back to life for a few weeks. But Coppola managed to film only outside the theatre, but was forced to recreate the interiors at Cinecittà , due to the restoration work.
The film arrived on Italian screens in March 1991. Years later, the Teatro Massimo sequence is still the final icon of the entire trilogy. The first one to think about when the mind goes to the third chapter of the saga taken from Mario Puzo.